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Our businesses.
If your business is located within the Rutland Business Improvement Area and we do not have you listed in the business directory please email: info@uptownrutland.com
BIA Area Map

Are you a brick-and-mortar business located within our BIA Area Map?
Joining the Uptown Rutland Business Association is a great way to connect with other local business owners, promote your business, and contribute to the growth and development of the local business community.

Are you located outside of our BIA Area Map, but interested in becoming an Associate Member of the Uptown Rutland Business Improvement Association (URBIA)?
Associate memberships are perfect for professional individuals, businesses, property owners or organizations that are not located within the physical boundaries of the URBIA and would like to be part of the thriving and supportive business community URBA has to offer. Home-based and remote businesses will be accepted.
Register Today!
Great value! There is no fee to activate your membership.
URBA is funded by a special municipal levy that is paid by commercial properties in the area, and shared by tenants through their rent.